Request a Video Tutorial

Use the comment thread below to request a video tutorial which would be of benefit to you.

I will try and respond as soon as I can.

29 thoughts on “Request a Video Tutorial

  1. Hi, i know this is short notice as the maths exams are next week but would you be able to make a short video on Geometry? such as chords and angles in a triangle within a circle stuff like that from National 5 Maths? 🙂 Your videos help alot 🙂


  2. Any chance you could do a sort of run through of the most popular exam style questions of recent papers? I really really struggle with the non calculator arc lengh calculations or factorising pi, if that makes sense and also the hidden similtaneous equations sort ‘now find the cost of a single…’ after made up the equations? At national 5 level please would really appreciate it. Also i really dont Understand trig identaties, blows my mind and i really need a c or above pass.


  3. can you do a video on BODMAS please? and maybe one on the best techniques to revise for national 5 maths i’m stressing about it!!


  4. hi, would you please be able to post a video with the solutions to the nat 5 2018 question paper. Have no idea how i did and would love for you to talk through it thanks


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